We're keeping you fit and healthy at home with online Physiotherapy consultations, referrals, home exercise programmes, Pilates classes, PT sessions and Nutrition consults

All Auckland Physiotherapy services, including ACC and private consultations, can now be offered online at a discounted rate using our patient management system Cliniko. 

If you are new to Auckland Physiotherapy please visit our Meet the Team page HERE to see which physio would best suit your needs. We have three tiers of physiotherapists - physio, senior, and masters - for most injuries a physio or senior physio would be the ideal to help you with your recovery. However, if you have a complex problem or have already tried treatment elsewhere and are looking for a second opinion, a masters physio may be the best option.

Our physiotherapists are expertly trained and in most cases can adapt their diagnostic methods to be able to identify and treat your pain or injury via our online services.
Once we have a diagnosis, we can educate you on how to start moving and loading the body site in the correct manner - this will include advice on day to day activities and providing a home exercise program. 

Follow-up sessions are key to ensure that you're making good progress and moving in the right direction. We will review your symptoms, retest your diagnosis and modify your program accordingly. If you do require hands on work, we will get you into our clinic's as soon as they are open.

Our Online Store is open if you need equiptment and our suppliers can deliver direct to your door.

Services Prices

* 1 - 1 Physio Pilates is available, book by selecting an ACC/Private appointment with your usual Physio instructor. Prices are the same as normal physio appointments.

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