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Mindfulness & Meditation — Is It For Everyone?

By Renée Malyon - Qualified Mindfulness Teacher for Auckland Physiotherapy

Someone once asked me, is the point of meditation to clear your mind and think of nothing?

The brain is like the heart... the heart continually beats, just like the brain continually thinks. We have 60,000-80,000 thoughts a day! It is pretty impossible to stop thoughts from coming during meditation. So please don't think this is the ultimate goal!

The point of mindfulness meditation is to give your brain a new task and to simply observe your thoughts without judgement, bodily sensations, and breathing, and learn to control how you are reacting to these thoughts, feelings and sensations. This can then result in feeling calmer, an increased sense of acceptance and letting go through forgiveness, and it can improve resilience, gratitude, and patience in daily life.

The first challenge of meditation is to be able to sit with yourself in stillness, with your thoughts and tuning into your body and breath.

SO... is mindfulness & meditation practise for everyone? In extreme and acute mental health situations, one should be cautious as it can turn up the volume of your thoughts and awareness. But otherwise, in most cases, it is a very beneficial tool to help improve mental well being. Research has shown that mindfulness practice and meditation are effective and holistic methods to reduce stress, ease the anxious mind, improve discipline and emotional intelligence and resilience, improve sleep and develop a happier, more positive perspective on life.

My bespoke 4-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course is carefully designed to teach you the principles and practice of mindfulness, for the lifestyle challenges we can face day-to-day. Individual, smaller group or corporate sessions are also an option should you wish to do this.

Learn to find the balance between 'doing and being modes', and that calm clarity between your thoughts and reactions.

Contact Renée for a free phone consultation regarding her Mindfulness courses and individual sessions, and to also ensure eligibility to join. Email Renee at [email protected] or book HERE for a complimentary phone call.


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