Regain strength and energy through exercise and Pilates


At Auckland Physiotherapy we offer specialised rehabilitation specifically for people diagnosed with cancer to maximise their recovery and help them make positive steps for future health and wellbeing.

All women and men with cancer or who have had cancer are eligible to participate in the PINC and STEEL programs, from the newly diagnosed to clients 25+ years after their initial cancer diagnosis. 

These sessions can help patients:

  • regain strength and flexibility and confidence in their body
  • improve fatigue, core strength and posture
  • help ease pain and muscular tension
  • teach clients what exercises they can do to enhance their own recovery after surgery and prevent long term problems
  • help increase energy levels during and after cancer treatments
  • provide clients with an individualised, safe training program to improve their general fitness and help them achieve their own fitness goals

Our Masters Physiotherapist Kirsten is a certified PINC therapist meaning she has specific training in assessment and rehabilitation for clients who are undergoing or have completed their cancer treatment - be that surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or hormone treatment. This training ensures you are in safe hands with someone that understands both the disease and the treatment journey. 

What does cancer rehabilitation involve?

Many people on a cancer journey are often afraid to move and exercise post-operatively and during their cancer treatment. We can provide a personalised program, advice, and guidance on how to safely resume activity. Each patient is individually assessed and a programme is then created to suit each patient’s particular stage in recovery. The sessions can include manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, fatigue management, home exercise programmes and scar management.

Every client will begin their journey with a 1-1 appointment and can either continue with this or progress into our Target Rehab group classes if appropriate.

Who is it for?

Cancer rehabilitation is important after any type of cancer surgery or treatment and appropriate for all ages and levels of fitness. It is never too early or too late to start your rehabilitation. The sooner we can see someone, the better their recovery will be and we can address any problems they encounter quickly to avoid unnecessary pain and disability.

Pre-operatively we can help better prepare you and let you know what to expect through your cancer treatment so that you can counteract and manage problems that you might face for a faster recovery. Post-operatively we can help you to get moving to regain strength, endurance, fitness and confidence in your body. 

No referral is required, simply book an appointment with Kirsten and she will assess your specific needs and set up a plan designed specifically for you.


Cancer rehabilitation can be funded either privately, via health insurance, or you may qualify for some financial assistance via the PINC and STEEL Trust or funding through the Breast Cancer Foundation.

Visit the PINC and STEEL website here to request funding.

Visit the Breast Cancer Foundation NZ website here to request funding.


Private Cancer Rehabilitation Class

Along with our PINC classes, we have a weekly private Cancer Rehab class. It will be held from 12.30 pm - 1:15 pm every Tuesday. We heard your feedback about having more flexibility so now you don't have to commit to a full 6 week block either. This class will be a similar format to the Target classes. Exercises can be tailored to the individual within the group environment to ensure each person can work at an appropriate level for their condition and progress. There will be a maximum of 5 people in a class and you can book online on our Pilates Timetable page or call the clinic on 093664480. Clients must have completed either a 1-1 Initial Cancer Rehab Physio assessment with me, Kirsten Rose OR one of our previous PINC & STEEL Target Rehab groups prior to joining this group.

Still have questions?

Book a complimentary 15 minute phone appointment with Kirsten so she can address your concerns, assist you with funding enquiries and help you get started at the appropriate level for you.

Meet The Team

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Kirsten Rose is an experienced physiotherapist with postgraduate qualification in Western Acupuncture and a Masters in Rehabilitation. She has completed training to become a PINC & STEEL cancer rehab physiotherapist. Alongside her physiotherapy qualifications, Kirsten is also a certified Health Coach which has equipped her with additional knowledge in lifestyle medicine. This encompasses holistic health practices such as sleep, nutrition, movement, positive psychology and mind-body connection.

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